Tuesday, 29 March 2011

'Just Do It' - Being the 'Homework Girl'

I like the Nike ad. I like what it stands for more importantly. It's simple, effective, and straight to the point. 'Just do it'. Three simple words. Yet, do you find that most of us find ourselves guilty of always trying to complicate what is actually really simple? 

For example: I have a dream + I want to make this dream come true = 'Just do it'. 

So why do we overcomplicate or overly think some things, or more dangerously, allow other people sometimes, in making us believe that we can't, or that it's impossible. (Ew, ew, ew. I don't even like typing those words. Read them back again for a sec. 'Can't' or 'Impossible' - doesn't it instantly give you a downer effect? Right, shake it off! lol) So what started off as a simple equation has now, as a result, become an 'impossible algebraic like equation' to solve. 

Everyday, I receive many lovely facebook or twitter messages, quite a few of them, asking me how I got into music and/or acting, and that some of you want to do the same but 'don't know how.' And I must admit, I'm a little surprised and puzzled when I read the 'I don't know how' bit.  I say this respectfully of course, but it's just that I come from a very normal, working class family, who had absolutely no connections in music or film and tv. (Guys, I was born in the Himalayas, there were not a lot of opportunities over there, and being a family of four who immigrated with not much in their pockets, to the 'big western world', I had to start from scratch, just like most of us do.) So how did I do it? How did I follow the simple equation of 'Just do it'? Well, here's where my equation started at: 

No connections in music or tv and film + burning desire to be an actress and a recording artist = the 'Homework Girl'

I was 5 years old when I came up with this equation in my head. Not in those exact words, haha, but to that effect. So what does a 'Homework Girl' do? When I was 6, I saw in my local newspaper, a 'cattle call' (meaning open auditions), for cute kids for tv commercials. I snuck into my parents bedroom, where the phone was, and called the casting director and made an appointment for myself. To make a long story short, I ended up doing some commercials as a child. But this is where my career started, and the lesson here is the power of 'initiative'. If you want something bad enough, you'll make it happen. I didn't over think it. I just did it. Simple as that. From there on, I researched all the best schools for music and acting. If the tuition was high, I looked into what scholarships were available. Throughout my teens, I read biogs of other singers or actors, and found out where they studied, and all the while, I took notes, just like some of you do when you're doing your homework in school. I struck a deal with my parents, that if I  got good grades in school, they would agree to pay for my music lessons and acting lessons. Fair deal. So I trained, and I practiced every day. Can't get lazy with your craft, especially when there are millions of talented peeps out there in the big world. You have to strive to be the best you can be and you cannot be afraid of some blood, sweat, and tears along the way. Translation: paying your dues the right way, not taking any short cuts for the long term goal, making mistakes but learning from them, understanding the beauty of constructive criticism, and knowing how it can help you move forward, not waiting for the phone to ring, and being a proactive dreamer, oh and let's throw in the rejections, and more rejections. lol You really have to want to be an actor or musician for the love of it. Any other reason is not worth it - trust me. I'm not in this for the fame or the money. It's taken me many years, grinding away, to get to this point and I still have a journey ahead of me to get to the next point. But I feel blessed for whatever opportunities have come my way so far. There are many starving artists out there that don't even get a look in. Whenever I'm faced with a tough day, I just have to remember that momentous day when my older sis, made me watch Xanadu, with Olivia Newton John, and how I was bitten the moment I saw her light up the screen. That's when my calling started. I was 4 years old, and that calling has never left me, even during the more challenging times on this journey that I'm still on. :) That moment will be forever etched in my mind, as a truly euphoric moment, and that feeling, I've kept in my heart, and that's what keeps me going - that's what has stopped me from ever thinking of giving up. 

So if you have a dream, whatever it may be, and you have that same euphoric feeling that takes over you, chances are it's your calling. The question is, do you have the courage to follow through with it? Do you have enough faith in yourself to see that calling through? Only you can answer that. :) If you do, then be the homework girl or the homework boy. Do your research, work hard, learn from others whose work you respect, and are inspired by, and 'Just do it'. You'll be amazed at what YOU can do. 

Yours Always, 

The Girl In The Pink Glasses xo


  1. Once again, so inspirational. Hmmm, maybe I shoulda done my english essay instead of typing out lyrics?;p
    I've always been a firm believer that if you want something bad enough you'll do it. I work hard to get there and I ignore anyone who tells me I'm not going to make it. Its my life and I can do whatever I want with it, and I will chase my dreams until the very end.
    You really are amazing, such a role model, to us teenage girls especially! Thanks so much for this blog.
    Much love, Laura xxx

  2. Karen, you're amazing, and so inspiring! I love you! :D x

  3. this got me thinking, i shouldnt be worried about what other people think of my dream, i should 'just do it'. You have achieved your dreams, which we are proud of you. this blog is inspiratonal..truths, it has got me thinking about lot of things
    You have taughted me never to give up on my dreams and to do the best as i can.
    karen, you are my hero.. i love you. xx

  4. This is one of the most inspirational blogs i have ever seen in my life :O

    i've always wanted to be an actress/ singer in like musicals and stuff but am always told its stupid etc, i ignore it but sometimes it does make me think 'lauren get ur head out the cloud'

    i don't want to do it just for money or to be famous i wud be quite happy on a stage i want to do it because its what i love to do

    reading this has really given me a confidence boast and its showed me that i shouldn't listen to what others think because its about me and what i can do not what they think :')

    thankyou so much karen
    i love you
    lauren xxxxxxxx

  5. Charlotte Dykes29 March 2011 at 22:18

    Awwww :) this made me re-think my subjects i'm taking for a-levels .. and whether to go with my heart or my head with them.. cause i should 'just do it' right? ;) xoxo

  6. This is amazing, Karen. Really makes me want to go out and do what I really want to do... Dancing. I've loved dancing from a small age and did Ballet and Tap for five years, then started secondary school and never had the time to continue it so I had to stop. Now I regret stopping. Although I want to become an expressionist dancer, Ballet plays a brilliant part in expressionist dancing.

    Why are your blogs always so inspiring? How do you do it?

    Gemma xx

  7. ♥ this actually makes you see that we kinda make things more complicated ourselves (well i do) & if you just try your best then it dosnt have too be that way :) xxx

  8. Yet another amazing and inspiring blog! Everytime I think of giving up, I will think back to this blog and remember everything you wrote, which will then give me the motivation to carry on! Thank you KD, you my true superhero :) xxx

  9. love the blog as allways karen your my insperation. and i will allways follow my heart and my dreams love a superhero :D

  10. Such an inspiring blog! As I'm in my last few weeks of my final year of university, I've had to take the plunge and make decisions with what I want to do with my life...this blog helps even more with the motivation :) Loves Xx

  11. Hi Karen :)

    Once again, another inspirational blog. I don't want to be an actress or a singer (the world should be breathing a sigh of relief right now haha) but I do have a dream which, up until recently I never thought I could achieve.

    I've been through so much these past couple of months, and I don't think I'd have got through them without a couple of things that have just kept me strong. You're one of those. I know that sounds stupid because we've never met and probably never will, but you truly inspire me to move on from the bad times and reach for the stars. My motto is now "Ad astra per aspera" which means "to the stars through difficulty" and it's this thought that reminds me that I can reach the sky.

    You're so down to Earth. Through my charity work and fundraising I've come across so many celebs who just basically tell me where to go when they find out that my charity doesn't get on TV, and won't boost their public profile, but you're so different from every other celeb I've ever come across.

    I know you'll go far in your career, just promise you'll still give me shoutouts when you have 100 million followers!

    I will do whatever it takes to raise your profile. I tweet as much as I can, post things on Facebook and always tune into your Twitcams. You've done so much for me, despite not knowing it, that it's the least I could do.

    Love as always

  12. Ok this is amazing,yet more to know about you:)
    Although...today is a competitive world and to do what you done at6 YEARs OLD is something that i thought would have been impossible,just do it.it soundss so easy,yet its so hard! I wouldn't know where to look first' and i cant afford tutition :( i just have to follow where life takes me i guess,so yeah i may listen to my ipod and day dream about singing with another celebrity hah but who dosnt right? Your blogs are gpibg to get people to make the most of their lives because you inspire them and YOU are the one that is responsible:) even when your 90 and still beautiful, your blogs would have changed how people think.

    So once again,well dobe and i hope such a greay person like you gets everything they are looking for. I think im going to have to stick, to the choice of midwifery tehe :)

    Shanice burgoyne xxxx

  13. Thank you Karen for another inspiring blog that has again hit home, you are truly down to earth and honest and it is so refreshing to see. Thanks for those thoughts and "just do it". The idea of homewor girl is also a very good, thorough one that rings home!! I do hope we meet one day Karen, I feel we just need to do that and have such a girlie day!!!! There are so many things we could just do!!!!

    Love always Karen
    Linda xoxo

  14. I am also a fan of the "just do it" motto.
    When I was at school, I would write in my homework diary at the beginning of each day "Prepare & Do" ...sometimes it felt like people were always talking about doing things, and I didnt want to be one of those people. I didnt want to get to 25 and say, "I was going to be...but I couldnt do it". I admit that what I wanted to do then is not what I'm doing now...but thats fine too, in being a "homework girl" i discovered other dreams that I didnt even know I had. At school I wanted to study languages, my French teacher said that the best way to learn a language is to go study in that country. I researched it, I presented the idea to my parents, they loved that I was informed and allowed me to go! (I had even done my homework for coping with first time homesickness haha) I went to study Spanish in France (I know, I know) after that I went to work in Spain for 2 years teaching English. If I hadnt have done my homework I would never have known that this was even a possibility let alone the most amazing time of my life!

    To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail...thats what my Daddy always says and it's true!
    Never say "can't" because I'm gonna be here to tell you that you can. If you "dont know" then find out...if you want to get somewhere/do something amazing then you WILL do it...if you dont then you probably didnt want it enough anyway! Good things come to those who wait, Great things come to those that do their homework :)

  15. Karen this is so lovely and inspiring.I am inspired by your blogs-it is just so amazing.Thanx for sharing your personal views on life.I sincerly do admire what you do and i truly respect you for that.Just knowing there is someone out there that can encourage others lifts my mood :)YOU deserve the best.

    Thanx again Karen
    Hannah xo

  16. Hey,well,i've never read your blog before this post and all i can say is this is an amazingly inspirational post, to be honest i've always never been certain on which job i want to do when I'm older,and i definitely over-think it,it's become an obsession,choosing a job has almost changed every aspect of my decisions. Maybe my future dream job is staring me right in the face but i just can't see it. When i was about 5-8 years old my dream was to be an actress,but the only problem was that i think it was influenced by other girls my age wanting to be actresses too. I now try to find things that i'm interested in,for instance right now i'm heading towards a career in beauty such as hairdressing or even make-up,my mum said that she thinks i would be really good at doing make-up for celebrities (of course that would be just like being in an oscar winning movie for an actress,if you understand that?) So the point is I've never wanted to pursue one job for a long time,but thanks to this post i'm going to 'just do it' and try and get into a career in beauty,I may not have that euphoric feeling about it,but a jobs a job,and it's much better than searching for jobs i don't even like just to make money Thank you so much for giving me the drive to follow in your footsteps.

  17. I couldn't ask for a better role model. You are inspirational, amazingly talented, beautiful and much more. I love you. :)

    Jess xo

  18. wow. your so inspiring, so proud to call you my hero and role model. im gonna 'just do it' like you tell us too. and for you, i will keep my dream alive even if i cant 'just do it' ill fight my hardest.
    i love you! xxx

  19. Karen, what can i say, you are such an inpspiration for me. I have read this blog quite a few times now and everything you say is totally spot on.
    It's time for me to put my head down and start working harder for my A-Levels, no more messing about! If I want the University grades enough, I will 'Just Do It' right?
    I cant thank you enough for taking the time out of your very hectic life to write these inspirational blogs for us, I really want you to know that it is very much appreciated - all the advice you are giving is totally helping me!
    Lots of Love Jenny (@JenWilts) xxx
